Monday, 4 July 2011

Team Kiwi

You don’t realise how much we take communications for granted until suddenly it’s very difficult to talk easily with people and you can’t fully understand signs, instructions + the menu.
Consequently you are not overly aware of what’s happening in the world ( or even around you ) because you don’t read the paper / listen to the radio nor watch TV + you can’t even catch the gossip in the local café – although we do use the Internet + catch up with news from home, you feel somewhat detached. Clothing sizes are totally different + there’s no changing areas at the market stalls / Food labelling makes for very exciting food purchasing ( actually can be a bit of fun discovering exactly what you have purchased ) + we have long since given up converting Euro’s into Pacific Paso’s because otherwise with the exchange rate you wouldn’t want to spend any money - Having said all that, it’s obviously all part of the travelling experience and meeting people with different languages, customs + foods etc is a lot of fun and not to be missed

So after the first two weeks away with limited English speaking it has been great to meet up with Jenny + Ian for a month travelling together and sharing our limited languages resources + expenses – we have shared accommodation / meals and a lot of fabulous experiences – Shona + Jenny gang up on shopping raids together – Ian + I do our best not to have any money or credit cards with us – we share the driving, but Francesca + Marie-Antoinette have done all the navigation – and we have lots of stories ( but some will never be told !!! )


Jenny + Ian - Diner at Bio & Marie's
Ron + Shona - Diner at Bio + Marie's
Shona + Jenny with Carnoulles flower grower

Ron, Shona, Jenny + Ian at Pont du Gard

Diner at Eulalie de Carnon

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